Konfabulator Unix Utils

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I've been a keen user of Konfabulator for a while now. I even paid for a couple of licenses in the pre-Yahoo days. It's really easy to hack up your own widgets, and I have a strange self-distructive streak that means I enjoy writing in javascript every now and then.

Today, I've just noticed a load of familiar looking exe files in:-

C:\Program Files\Pixoria\Konfabulator\UnixUtils\usr\local\wbin

With names like ls.exe, grep.exe, less.exe, curl.exe. Fire up a command shell and they are (you guessed it) ports of handy little unix utils. I now feel inspired to write a pretty version of tail for windows...

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Tail.exe is in the W2K3 Resource Kit.

mmm. spent many an hour watching mail logs scroll by ...


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